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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

some questions about update service.

I'm evaluating update service now, some questions I have are:

1) I use
Dim pAgent As New DWUpdateServiceLib.Agent
pAgent.AppUpdate pszProductCode, AppMenu

to call the update service when user click some menu items. If I set the UI of 'manual update' as 'WEB', everything is ok. However, if I set it as 'Wizard', then it will download the update package and run it directly. Then it reports: another version of this software is running, .... you need uninstall it, then install the new version. The thing is: if user uninstall the software first, how he can click the menu to update it? what I should do for this case?

2) I set up some authentications. It works for 'WEB' update. However, if I try to update it from application by AppUpdate, then the authentications do not work at all. No authentication. Is authentication for 'WEB Update' only?

3) 'WEB Update' need IE even the default browers is NOT IE?

4) Almost same as I described in 1). When use 'WEB Update', after 'ADD', the users can choose 'download' or 'install it now'. If there is another version of application running, Then it reports: another version of this software is running, .... you need uninstall it, then install the new version. Can we only let users download it, not install it directly from internet? Or At least let users know that they need close all related applications first.

thanks, I appreciate your answers.
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(1) Reply
Level 10

I tried to answer your questions below.......

1) I use
Dim pAgent As New DWUpdateServiceLib.Agent
pAgent.AppUpdate pszProductCode, AppMenu

to call the update service when user click some menu items. If I set the UI of 'manual update' as 'WEB', everything is ok. However, if I set it as 'Wizard', then it will download the update package and run it directly. Then it reports: another version of this software is running, .... you need uninstall it, then install the new version. The thing is: if user uninstall the software first, how he can click the menu to update it? what I should do for this case?

cw- I can't be completely sure, but this sounds like a problem with your patch. depending on which tools you are using to build you update, you can configure the update to uninstall the previous version and then install the new one. That way, the user doesn't have to manually uninstall first.

2) I set up some authentications. It works for 'WEB' update. However, if I try to update it from application by AppUpdate, then the authentications do not work at all. No authentication. Is authentication for 'WEB Update' only?

cw- currently, authentication is for WEB only. That will change in the future.

3) 'WEB Update' need IE even the default browers is NOT IE?

cw- we require IE4.01 or greater to be installed on the machine, because we use some of the IE classes for internet communication

4) Almost same as I described in 1). When use 'WEB Update', after 'ADD', the users can choose 'download' or 'install it now'. If there is another version of application running, Then it reports: another version of this software is running, .... you need uninstall it, then install the new version. Can we only let users download it, not install it directly from internet? Or At least let users know that they need close all related applications first.

cw - same answer as above 🙂
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