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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

silent mode

I am using the Update Service for updating my Java app. I cannot use the AutoUpdate method directly (because I cannot easily use COM/ActiveX). So I am using the agent.exe.

I want to launch the agent.exe silently and update my application silently. I have got a silent response file, so the installation portion has been taken care of. What I now want to do is prevent agent.exe from showing it's (Wizard) GUI.

I therefore need a agent.exe command line equivalent of the bSilent parameter in the AutoUpdate method.

I guess this is not currently available. Is this planned for a release in the near future ?

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(1) Reply
Level 7

This is currently not possible. I have created Work Order 1-JU5Q1 as a feature request to address this. Thanks for the valuable feedback!!
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