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Level 4

"No Updates Available" when there is one


I am getting feedback from my users and internal developers of this strange behaviour:

I have a message set for "Next Use". The user repeatedly invokes "Check for Updates" - invoke the check, wait for update window to display, close it and repeat. The message is expected to be displayed every time, but sometimes it is not. Instead, the user gets a "No updates available" message.

Nobody including myself was able to reproduce this reliably, yet we have all seen this happen. I must say though that I have not seen this behaviour on my machine over the past 2 months or so.

I did some searching through this forum and found one thread related to this:

However, the thread ended without a resolution. Can someone shed some light on this? I feel like I'm one of those who claimed to be abducted by aliens...
0 Kudos
(5) Replies
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran


I've found the same thing. After some debugging on my client update code it ends up that when a message is created on the server and "Next Use" is selected, then the .IsSoftwareUpdate method of the update instance object returns false(sometimes). But, if you deselect "Next Use" then the .IsSoftwareUpdate returns true!?!?

Anyway, my workaround is going to be to check first if the message is an info update and then assume it's a software update, since it's really the only other option I can see? Then I plan to use the Description field in the message to indicate if it's a 'MANDATORY' update and parse that out to determine the logical flow in my code. See examples below:

'-- Check if it's an info or sw update
If moUpdateInstance.IsInfoUpdate Then
oUpdateAgent.DisplayMessages (PRODUCT_CODE)
'-- Download, perform updates, etc.
End If

'-- Use this instead of .IsNextUse
If Trim(moUpdateInstance.QueryValue(Description)) = "M" Then
'-- Run mandatory update, etc.
End If

This appears to work and having the Desciption field gives room for further customization. Hope that helps? 🙂


0 Kudos
Level 4


Thanks for the suggestion. Since I posted the message I have not heard of any new incidences of this nature, and upon investigation of the previous ones it turned out to be a different source of error.

Sounds like you have found a bug; I hope you'd report it.

0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I plan to tomorrow...


0 Kudos
Level 6

I also experienced it as UpdateService user and developer. I wanted to update ISDv9 (they said there was an SP already), but only after a week or so i really got it. Same problem as ever: you check but after the 'searching for updates' screen nothing happens anymore. No results, no errors, nothing.
0 Kudos
Level 4


Did you get the message "No updates available", or simply no response? If it were the latter, then it's a different issue.
0 Kudos