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Level 7

Using Agent API's

Hello, I am planning on developing my own User Interface to handle notifications utililzing the FNC API's. My question has to do with, I am planning on providing only a download capability, not an install capability within the UI that I develop. This is for a couple of reasons I won't go into. Given this scenario, can I utilize the OnUpdateBegin and OnUpdateComplete events when the installer that was previously downloaded is actually installed? There may be a considerable timelapse between the time the insatller(s) are downloaded and actually installed. They may be downloaded on one computer that has the FNC agent and installed on another that does not.

Thanks in advance!

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(2) Replies
Not applicable

The events are only fired for the download process and don't include any of the installation-time processes. You could, however, upload some bit of profile data using the Profiler interfaces that indicates when an installation is complete. Something like this could be accomplished during your application's launch or by invoking a custom action from the installer after the registration action would normally take place.

For a good idea of sequence construction you could build a bare bones MSI package that includes whichever merge module you're looking to use ( full or lite ).
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Level 7

Thanks Bryan!
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