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Level 8

So what happens when....

I cancel my Update Service? I have Application X out there and the user doesn't update it, or for whatever reason I "pull the plug" and discontinue ISUS. Has this been thought through?

Are my users going to get a message every time an update cycle (scheduled update check) comes due? So if I have a 30 day check set, when that 30 days comes due, are they going to see "This application is not registered with..." or some nag message? Or (I hope) will absolutely nothing occur and the end user will never know you terminated the service and simply no updates or messages will appear again for my products?

So what will happen if I pulled the plug? Will it go silent or will users of my application be forever nagged until they install an update that doesn't use ISUS?

I know you didn't think we'd use this forever, what's the transition from subscriber to non-subscriber plan?
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(11) Replies
Level 8

Still awaiting response.

Thank you
0 Kudos
Level 16

If you absolutely need an answer you'll need to open a MySupport case. Otherwise keep waiting.
0 Kudos
Level 8

I do have support but I'll keep waiting. I'm sure others are waiting for the response as well.
0 Kudos
Level 8


Can you please answer this?

Thank you!
0 Kudos
Level 8

So if I was to cancel the Update Service and I have applications out there doing update checking, what happens after the subscription is canceled?
0 Kudos
Level 3

I too am interested in the response to this question.

I'm surprised no one has posted anything yet.

Have you tried calling in to ask?
0 Kudos
Level 8

I'm not calling nor am I submitting a support incident. I want to know the answer and see it publicly here as others are also waiting for the response to this question.
0 Kudos
Level 3

i can understand that but could you not ask and then post their response?
or is it a principle of the thing thing now? 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 8

I have no intention of cancelling my update service but would certainly like to know what would happen if I did.

However, the lack of response here not only wants me to cancel my service but also discontinue use of any and all InstallShield product. With .NET now I have no need for the InstallShield or MSI installation and actually spent that past hour researching other installation alternatives since questions simple as this are not being answered. This speaks volumes for this company and those involved.
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Been on the road a lot for the last two weeks.

We will put in a feature to silently display "No Updates" when the customer no longer is paying for the service rather than "Product not registered."
0 Kudos
Level 8

Thank you for the response Noel. I would offer this should be the default response as I've had cases where people see "Product not registered" for whatever reason and there is no failure mode on the customers sake, i.e. they don't try again, they contact support immediately thinking "Oh God, my product isn't registered...what happened, what do I need to do, 911!!!"

So please consider any queries to the update system should always be silent if it times out or no response. If we need to use some type of agent/api call with a debug message to see why people aren't getting updates, I'd rather offer that then have just ONE instance of a "Product not Registered" appear.
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