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Level 5

Silent updates fail to install!

My updates are created with DevStudio 9 (InstallScript project) and they are registered on the US Publisher Web Site. The command line option I specified there is "/s". This should make my updates run silently.

When my application checks for updates (using COM API) and detects an update, it starts downloading the update. After that, when I install the update, it fails to install! When I copy the downloaded update (from my temp\{GUID}_35579 folder to another location, or even try to execute it myself in that location, it installs correctly. (Of course I specified the "/s" option myself here also.)

Does someone know what is going on?
And have some solutions to solve this problem?

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(1) Reply
Level 5

It seems that whenever I specify a command line switch at the US Publisher Web Site, the installation fails.
Can someone help me?

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