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Level 3

Same update still available after update

After I update my product on-line with update service I click "show available updates" and it still shows the same one I just installed. Do I have to use a condition? in the (Update service wizard?) I don't understand how it does not rec that I just installed that?

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(5) Replies
Level 6

Start with 2 easy things to check, then suggest other things if these aren't the case.

1. In Update service did you acciden't put check mark in the new versions box?

2. When you use the Update service test utility, does it show the correct version number?
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for the reply... I can't find the check box for new version? is it in the UPDATES tab or the Products tab in update service?
When I test it reports the correct version number. The upgrade replaces files and changes the version number correctly. Here is some more background.

All works great in update service, except I noticed that after using the update service the user has a choice to AGAIN select “+ Available Updates.” If the user selects this they are given the option to download the exact same upgrade they just installed.

This is resolved if the user closes the Internet Explorer window and then navigates to the Update Service Icon in the Start menu. At this point it returns the correct message that there are “currently no updates available”

This won’t work, I will have customers that do an upgrade using “Update Services” see the “available Updates” and select that option again.
0 Kudos
Level 6

By check box, I was referring to the step where you select which products and versions the update applies to.

If you have the new version number selected, then it would still prompt you after you upgrade.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Ok I am with you. I select the product to only be associated with say 2.0.0. the user upgraded to 3.0.0 hits the (+Available updates) and the same patch show again.

NOTE if the user closes the update service window after the upgrade all works great. They user can then go reopen the update service and it says "no updates available" perfect.
This shows that update service is checking the version correctly.

This is hard to explain... 🙂
It is not checking the version correctly if right after the updates, they selects that "+" next to Avaialbe updates.
0 Kudos
Not applicable

I asked Macrovision similar question. Check this out.

After asking our development team about this issue, it is my understanding that the following will happen when you check for updates (using web UI) and install an update: 1. Installing the update will proceed as it normally would. 2. If the Available Updates link is clicked without closing the UI, the list of updates retrieved uses the original version of the product that was used in the call for updates before the update was installed. This will cause updates that apply to that product version to be displayed. 3. When the UI is closed and another check for updates is performed, the updated product version is used when checking for updates, causing the installed update to no longer appear since it doesn't apply to the new version. Based on the behavior you are seeing and the description of the way the web UI works from our development team, it appears that this is expected behavior. Regards, Josh S. Macrovision InstallShield Support
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