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Level 4

Question about Update service Starter Plus Edition

I'm trying to use Update service Starter Plus Edition of Installshield X 11.

I have some questions.

I have created a setup and I have published my product on the site.
I have not set up "Product signature" and "product lock" on Update service view of installshiled x 11.

Are this properties obligatory?
Can they prevent to find a published update for my product?

Another question is if exist a delay between the time when I add an update on Update service site and when I can find it with update agent from the PCs.

Thank you.
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(9) Replies
Level 9

GIANGI wrote:
I have not set up "Product signature" and "product lock" on Update service view of installshiled x 11.
Are this properties obligatory?
Can they prevent to find a published update for my product?

The Lock & Signature are just security mechanisms, so they're recommended, but not required. I don't have an IS 11 IDE immediately available to check their defaults, but if those fields are blank then you can also leave them blank in the publisher site. The trick is: they must match between the IDE and the publisher site (both filled in or both blank).

GIANGI wrote:

Another question is if exist a delay between the time when I add an update on Update service site and when I can find it with update agent from the PCs.

It depends upon the load on the notification servers. When under a heavy load, you can see a delay in the changes you've made.

Last note: because you're using the Starter edition, be aware that you cannot use the agent APIs. You'll need to use the Update Manager to check for your updates.

0 Kudos
Level 4

Thank you.
0 Kudos
Level 9

You're welcome. I've realized that many people ask the initial questions of how/where to get started with the service. I've asked the powers that be to set a priority on creating a getting started guide for the SDK (or something similar).

0 Kudos
Level 4

I have published the product on Update service site.
I have add an update to this product.

I have checked that product code and version of my installed product and the product published on site are the same.

I have used "installshield update manager 4.6" to find the update.
My product is in the list of programs list of update manager.
But it have found that no update is available.

What coulb be wrong?
Could I check what are the setting of update manager in the PC where I have installed my products (in Windows registry or in other places...)?
0 Kudos
Level 9


Have you checked with the Macrovision support folks yet? They are experienced in this type of troubleshooting and will probably be able to help you find what's going on quite quickly. You can call in or use the online support (

I would offer to help look at it, but I've got three tasks I must complete and won't really have time to dig into it as quickly as you'd need.

0 Kudos
Level 4

Thank you anyway.
I'm contacting also the support.

The last time your answer was faster than support.


Thank you.
0 Kudos
Level 9


Truth be told, I don't have nearly the overhead that the support folks have in this regard. I mean, I have feature docs, defect reports to investigate / fix, persons to contact, dev/test boxes, database work, new technology to research, etc. but having done support before, I can understand how it can be difficult to respond quickly.

I did support in the university's IT group when I was in college and it was very challenging. With new requests coming in constantly, trying to manage and remember where I was in all sorts of troubleshooting steps across platforms. I mean, in support there were always multiple open issues, perhaps 2 on the VAX cluster, a mainframe, a *nix, several Windows, a Mac one, etc. Sometimes I'm amazed at the ability of the support folks here to get it all accomplished.

When you get your request # from support, you can PM it to me. I can periodically check into it to see how the diagnosis is going.


GIANGI wrote:
Thank you anyway.
I'm contacting also the support.
The last time your answer was faster than support.
Thank you.

PS. As you can probably tell, yes, I'm a fan of our support folks. :cool:
0 Kudos
Level 4

I have resolved.
The proble was how I have inserted the product version number on update site.
If I use the form xx.yy.zz update manager doesn't recognize the product. If I use xx.yy it works.

0 Kudos
Level 9

Good to hear that you've got it. Sadly, I probably would've missed that obvious one. The general scoop is that whatever is used as the version by the Update Manger must match exactly with what is entered on the publisher website.

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