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Level 8

Product not registered with Update Service

Apps are using 3.2 of ISUS:

As of about last Thursday, quite a few are getting this when checking for updates (older version attempting to get recently released version):

"ERROR 130001: Product Not Registered With the Update Service"
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(7) Replies
Level 8

I'm curious if the problem is the end-users are getting update manager updates to v4 and my apps are using v3 and somewhere the product registration is getting foobar'd?

More e-mails already today on this very error message! Product not registered/recognized issue.
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Level 5

We are also having many clients receiving this message.

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Level 8

I'm sure all of our contracts will be extended one month for this sheer embarrassment InstallShield has caused our companies in this past week of events, and whatever is to come in the near future with the version 4 update we have no control over.

I think this is a great lesson learned how the Update Manager may update to version 4 totally out of our control. I think there is a lesson to be learned from .NET land...side-by-side compatibilities. For example, if I distro version 3 agents then I should expect they will not upgrade out of my control for my applications. What I'd like to see out of this is a .NET agent that functions from my applications folder and no one can cause me "Agent HE||" just like we had DLL He|| prior to .NET.
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Level 8

I had to post a message on my forum this is coming up so often now!

Ya know...once upon a time, not too many years ago, there was discussion on how to change the branding "InstallShield" on the lower left of our installers as a competing product allowed us to do. The response to this made sense, simply that the "InstallShield" branding would be a stamp of quality and if you saw that you could be at ease knowing the software company is using the best.

Well, here is a case where unfortunately this is not showing well for InstallShield and even worse, for my company. Many ask, including my conscience, why I'm paying so much money for this when it's so easy to implement in .NET. I really don't need this, but it's a good system to try, learn from, and hold me over until I get my VB6 apps moved to .NET. I've tried to talk a few fellow developers into this system as it's good for marketing as well as software updates, now I look like a total fool!

I hope Noel and crew realize how important it is this service work and how one day of down time is critical, as Sunday/Monday was, now we have had a week of disgrace, which I thought Monday eve was over, yet it's rearing it's ugly head once again. Can we trust our business with InstallShield Update Service? That's the question I'm now presented with.
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Level 8

It's always nice just wondering for an infinite amount of time whether this is something I need to fix with my apps/installs or it's on the InstallShield side. But since InstallShield doesn't care to respond to issues that are embarrasing to our companies, I guess we'll never know the answer! Sure would be nice if someone could pen some type of response here for those of us paying subscribers.
0 Kudos
Level 7

neal007, I was working with slezberg yesterday (1/17/04) and we fixed the problem on the production server around 6.00pm. Please confirm if this fixes your problem too (I am assuming it's the same problem that both of you were seeing). Thanks!
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Level 8

Thank you Chandima. That's good news and I'll take down the message on my forums now. The only way I'll know is "not knowing", in other words if no complaints, all must be good to go! I am sure that will be the case.

Thanks for keeping us updated, it does make a big difference! Communication is the biggest problem in just about everything in life! 🙂
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