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Level 3

Product Registered Twice with UpdateService


After running a setup, the Test Utility, in the "View Registered Products" tab, lists my application two times.

* The first instance shows the correct GUID and correct version (5.00.155).
* The second instance shows a different GUID (not sure from where its coming), with version 5.00.

I've modified the OnMoveData function in the .RUL script to call "UpdateServiceRegisterProduct()" with the correct parameters (IFX_PRODUCT_VERSION).

Uninstalling and/or deleting {GUID}.INI files and reinstalling causes the same behavior.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? Where might the second instance come from?

* IS 11
* UpdateService Starter Edition.
* Windows XP Pro


Daniel Bisque
0 Kudos
(1) Reply
Level 3

After further testing, I've answered my own question, but I'm still confused. 🙂

According to the ISUS object docs, the ISUS object ("ISUS.Msm") installs the update service, and registers the application with the US. Since the script also calls:

UpdateServiceRegisterProduct( PRODUCT_GUID, IFX_PRODUCT_VERSION, TRUE, 0 );

which registers the app again, but uses the desired full version number, and correct GUID.

1. Why does the ISUS object register a different product GUID than the one in the Project | Settings | Setup tab?
2. How can I modify the DWUSVERSION property, and GUID for this ISUS object?


Daniel Bisque
0 Kudos