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Level 3

Product Not Registered, even in Publisher "Test Update"

I have one version of one of my products for which I'm getting the "13001: Product Not Registered with the Update Service" error. I get this error even when testing my update on the Publisher Web Site. How can this be?? I go to the "Test Update" page, select the product from the pull down, select the version from the pull down, leave English as the default, chose Active or Active & Test (doesn't matter), click Preview. I see the "searching for any available updates" message, then the 13001 message.

I have three versions registered for this product, each with updates. For two of the versions, I can use the "Test Update" page to see the updates, but not for one of the versions. Similarly, from machines where my product is installed, my product can see updates for two of the three versions but not the third. This used to work, and has not worked since the changeover to 4.5 last weekend. It may have been broken before then - I had not checked this for several weeks prior.

The one thing that was different about this "not registered" version was that it had a condition to check that a particular product was installed. I removed that condition last week after finding this problem, but the problem remained. (I have other products with versions with conditions based on registry keys, and those all seem to be fine.)

I then created a new version (different version number), moved all of the updates (there's one for each language we support) from the "not registered" version to the new version. I could then see the updates, for the new version. I then deleted the old "not registered" version, and then renamed the new version to be the same as the old version. Back to being "not registered".

Ray Bird
0 Kudos
(4) Replies
Level 9

Our support staff have been researching something similar to what you're referring to and are working with one of my fellow engineers to nail down a cause... stay tuned for more details.

0 Kudos
Level 9

The more generic issue of ProductNotRegistered that persons have been reporting has now been resolved and the notification servers were patched. Please try checking for updates to confirm for yourself. If you've been working with a member of our support staff, let them know if you still see the issue.

0 Kudos
Level 3

This is now working. Thank-you!

Ray Bird
Creo Inc.
0 Kudos
Level 9

Excellent. My apologies for the inconvenience.

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