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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Problems with language

I have created an update issue in italian language and then I have my messages in italian. If I check for update from the computer that has the access to update service web site, the interface starts in italian language and it finds all update.
If I install my product on another computer and check for update, the interface language is english and it doesn't find updates.
This is the command into my icon "check for updates "

"C:\Programmi\File comuni\InstallShield\UpdateService\agent.exe" /au{ADAACF61-77A4-41FD-8337-E8E39332A66A} /1040 /AppMenu

Please help me,
I'm risking mywork

p.s. scuse for my english
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(7) Replies
Level 7

What happense if you create a batch file with the following two lines and then execute it on the client machine?

"C:\Programmi\File comuni\InstallShield\UpdateService\agent.exe" /l{ADAACF61-77A4-41FD-8337-E8E39332A66A} /1040

"C:\Programmi\File comuni\InstallShield\UpdateService\agent.exe" /au{ADAACF61-77A4-41FD-8337-E8E39332A66A} /AppMenu
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

It works, but why I must to make a bat with two commands? On update service documentation, I have read how make an upgrade icon with 1 command line. Now the question is this: why it doesn't go??
0 Kudos
Level 7

The first command needs to be run only ONCE on any machine ("C:\Programmi\File comuni\InstallShield\UpdateService\agent.exe" /l{ADAACF61-77A4-41FD-8337-E8E39332A66A} /1040). Making this call configures the Update Service to start looking for Italian update messages from that point onwards. This is usually configured during the install. This is why it works on your development machine but not on your target machines.

1. Has your original setup been released to customers already?
2. Do you use InstallShield Express or Developer/DevStudio to create your setup?
3. Is your original setup an Italian Language setup?
4. Did you enable the Update Service in that setup?
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I found a strange things.
these are the first lines of the export of my project:

COMPANY_NAME Nome società
DN_AlwaysInstall Installa sempre


And this is the ini fili associated to project after installation in the folder "c:\Programmi\Instalshield\updateService\Database\{ADAACF61-77A4-41FD-8337-E8E39332A66A}.ini :


Why the tag LanguageId is in english language? When I create a project in italian and anable update sercice, it would not have to set up LanguageID=1040 automatically?
It's a bug???

Thank You
0 Kudos
Level 7

Running the following command line will set that LanguageID to 1040:

"C:\Programmi\File comuni\InstallShield\UpdateService\agent.exe" /l{ADAACF61-77A4-41FD-8337-E8E39332A66A} /1040

That's why it needs to be done only once. Once you run this command or manually edit the ini file to say 1040 instead of 1033, the Update Service will start looking for Italian messages.

What version of InstallShield Express, Developer, DevStudio or Professional did you use to create this setup?

Has this setup already been distributed to customers?
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Sorry if I reply now, I was in vacation.
I use Instalshield expres 5.0 with service pack 2.
My setup has been distribuited, but I'd like receive this information for a new project.

Thank you
0 Kudos
Level 7

For existing customers, you could send them a batch file that calls Agent.exe with this command line. This needs to be run just once and then the Update Service will always be looking for Italian Updates.

For new projects this should happen automatically. I just investigated with Express 5.0 Sp2 and discovered that this is indeed a bug. Until this bug is fixed I'm afraid that you will have to manually edit your project using ORCA. I have filed work order 1-KT80W to address this issue.

ORCA is a free tool issued by microsoft that can be used to edit msi files (windows installer setups - like what Express builds). ORCA will open up the msi file in something like an Access database. Since Express projects build msi files, the Express project format is VERY similar to msi files. So in other words, you can open and edit a .ise file (Express project) in ORCA as well. However, this is to be avoided as much as possible because you can seriously damage your project if you don't know exactly what you are doing.

Until this bug is fixed, here is what you need to do (it needs to be done only ONCE for a new project).
1. Open your Express project in ORCA.
2. Go to the Property table.
3. Create a new row with the following values:

Property: DWUSLANG
Value: 1040

4. Save and close ORCA.

From now on everytime you build this project, the Update Service will be configured to check for Italian (1040) updates. I'm really sorry that you have to go this extra step to get this working. I have attached the setup for ORCA to this post for your convenience. If you have any further questions regarding this, please let me know. Thanks!!
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