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Level 6

Odd text appearing in updates window

In the past few days (since InstallShield's upgrade, I think) some of our customers are getting odd text in the update window window. Rather than the update appearing they are getting html like the following:

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(5) Replies
Level 7

I would like to track down this issue. I have a few questions:

1. Does this appear as a messagebox or within the html page itself?
2. Are you able to reproduce this onsite?
3. Do these updates have conditions?
4. Do you know if users are seeing this with Internet Explorer or any other type of browser (like Netscape or Mozilla).

0 Kudos
Level 6


It appears in the HTML page itself. I've attached an example.
We can't reproduce this in-house.
The updates do not have conditions
This is Internet Explorer

- Neil
0 Kudos
Level 6

It's when the update is added, and then 'Next' is pressed. I've pasted the HTML source of the dodgy screen below.

Does anybody else have this problem? At the moment the update service is totally useless - my customers cannot download updates and the reports do not work.


0 Kudos
Level 7

How did you get the HTML source? Were you able to reproduce the problem in-house or did a customer send this information to you? The quickest way for us to diagnose the problem is to get a trace of what the client is sending to the server. I will send you details on setting up a trace through a Private Message. Thanks!
0 Kudos
Level 6

I right clicked and did 'View source'.

I've sent you the trace via a private message.
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