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Level 3

New user and I'm confused

Ok... I'm trying to get the auto-update service working for my C# application.

I'm running Installshield Express X.

I added this line to my form's load event:

objUSAgent.AppUpdate(strProductCode, DWUpdateServiceLib.RunType.AppStart);

and I've registered my product and version with my UpdateService account. The product code that I'm passing into the function above is the same exact product code listed on the Product Detail Information page on my UpdateService.

However, right after the above line is called, I get the error 1300 (it doesnt recognize this product).

What's going on?

Also, I'm a little confused. This product code gets changed everytime I release a new version. So apparently I have to go into my code and change it for every version I release as well?
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(3) Replies
Level 9

Are you using a "Starter" edition of the service? If so, that edition only allows the Update Manager to connect and check for updates.

Have you connected to the publisher website and verified that your ProductCode exactly matches the one registered on the site?
Have you verified that the version # you are passing in your code exactly matches the one you've added to the publisher website?

If all else fails, have you contacted our support folks so that they can have a go at it? They'll be able to run tests, etc. directly against the system to assist.

0 Kudos
Level 3

I contacted support. It turns out because this was a development machine that I never installed my application on via InstallShield, the product code wasn't registered on my machine.


agent /r {product code}, version

Solved the problem.
0 Kudos
Level 9

Definitely something I'll file away for troubleshooting..... however, good to hear that you're all set.

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