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Level 3

Help in avoiding Major Upgrade with the upgrade to latest ISUS 4.5Agent merge module


When we create a patch (using Developer's Patch Design View) to upgrade from the 2.1 version of the ISUS Agent merge module to the latest 4.6 version, we get the following errors
about "cannot perform a minor upgrade" and "you must perform major upgrade"


Performing Upgrading and Patching Validation
ISDEV : error Val0001 The file 'F1955_isperms.exe.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C' with a target of '[commonfilesfolder]\installshield\updateservice\isperms.exe' appears to have been removed from the setup, but does not appear in the RemoveFile table. This file will not be removed from the target machine when an upgrade is run unless the RemoveFile table has been authored. f:\temp\srini\isus\oldmm\extracted\previous1\default.msi
Val0003 This setup will perform a MINOR upgrade of the referenced previous setup f:\temp\srini\isus\oldmm\extracted\previous1\default.msi
ISDEV : error Val0006 The Component 'isperms.exe.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C' identified by ComponentID '{153ACA14-FE63-11D7-8B51-00105A9846E9}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. f:\temp\srini\isus\oldmm\extracted\previous1\default.msi
ISDEV : warning Val0009 A registry entry has been removed from the component 'dwusplay.dll.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{885bb46a-3f1e-44c3-a01b-a7d9260cc98b}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. f:\temp\srini\isus\oldmm\extracted\previous1\default.msi
ISDEV : warning Val0009 A registry entry has been removed from the component 'dwusplay.exe.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{885bb46a-3f1e-44c3-a01b-a7d9260cc98b}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. f:\temp\srini\isus\oldmm\extracted\previous1\default.msi
Created release folders




Does anyone know if there is any 4.5 ISUS.MSM available that would keep the upgrade path to a 'minor upgrade' rather than a 'major upgrade'?

Thank you
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(1) Reply
Level 2

I don't suppose you (or anyone else) ever came across a separate downloadable ISUS.msm for 4.5? We have an older version of Installshield and somehow the much newer 4.5 version got into the last release. Of course the machine that had Installshield Developer at the time has since been reformatted. Don't have any idea how 4.5 Update Service merge module could have come from but looking at the released msi in Orca shows several extra files re Update Manager, file version of 4.5. Now when I create a patch for updating the previous installs, IS complains that components have been removed (since I'm using ISUS.msm 2.2, the latest I have around) and a minor upgrade isn't possible:

ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_ispmres.dll.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C' identified by ComponentID '{B7195B4D-220F-4055-B216-675DFB956538}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. C:\dev\product.msi
ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'isuspm.exe.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C' identified by ComponentID '{5CC2D105-A760-4EC4-8B74-750194E57B99}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. C:\dev\product.msi
ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'ISUSMPdata.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C' identified by ComponentID '{C84D17D7-3F2F-43D0-A939-883943B8F9D6}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. C:\dev\product.msi
ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'ISUSMPdata_Images.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C' identified by ComponentID '{5CBB9EB4-66EE-4C74-BC81-99C193FE4830}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. C:\dev\product.msi
ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'ISUSPM.cpl.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C' identified by ComponentID '{1BF602D0-C88F-48DD-9A63-A2B979DACB13}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. C:\dev\product.msi
ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'RegEntry.C3A146F5_4B48_11D5_A819_00B0D0428C0C' identified by ComponentID '{C12C2726-3390-4F33-BA5C-9BCB8478D7A1}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. C:\dev\product.msi

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