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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Multiple Company Logos?

We are using the update service to supply updates for a couple of our customers products. We would like to be able to put our customers logos on the update page so that the end user sees the logo that is relevant to the product they are using. We could put our logo but the end user doesn't know of us and it would be better if our involvement was transparent.

It appears that there is only provision for a single logo. Is this the case or have I missed something? If the facility for product specific logo is not currently available do you think you could add it in a future update to Installshield Update.

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(1) Reply
Level 2

Hi Russel.

I know what you mean.
The InstallShield Updateservice ist not good enough.
If you use this you were dependent from InstallShield.
But i am prefer to be independent from InstallShield.

I'm working for my own bidirectional update solution.
My Updater should run in all Win Versions in all Languages for any Company or OEM. But it's not ready yet! 😞
I prefer to use an Apache Webserver with PHP and MySQL on Linux. LAMP.

If you like i can send you a screenshot about my Updater.
At this time i am waiting for special things that i need for my project. Subdomain, Harddiskspace on our webserver and so on.
For my Updater every company must have a special URL for update and you must have a webserver scripting language like ASP/PHP. The best url is "".

That's all.

You are not alone i have the same problems.
Best regards

For me it gives some points of interest from you.
Do you script your own installation files?
Can you or your webmaster programing a webserver in PHP/ASP?
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