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Level 2

Is anyone using the runreport.bat tables?

Hi everyone,

We have just installed Flexnet Connect inhouse. We are running the Acresso supplied runreport.bat to load the Acresso supplied Oracle useage log reporting tables.

Is anyone using these tables with any success??

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(2) Replies
Level 3

hshare wrote:
Hi everyone,

We have just installed Flexnet Connect inhouse. We are running the Acresso supplied runreport.bat to load the Acresso supplied Oracle useage log reporting tables.

Is anyone using these tables with any success??


We to use FNC inhouse. We have found the reports to be confusing. My manager just today asked me how they worked. I came on here looking for more info.
We did have issues setting the correctly setting the batch file to run nightly. This had to do with proper permissions on the Win2003 server where it is installed, and there was also an issue when using SQL server as we do.

If you are having problems, try giving me more details, I may be able to help you. But probably Acresso should be pinged too, unless you have not paid for support at all.

0 Kudos
Level 4

Hi Howard,

Yes, we're trying to use them too.

As far as I can tell, they tables are literally the entire FNC database structure ported to the database you supply in the runreport.bat command... It includes everything, including the internal structural tables that FNC uses to manage itself.

The tables of relevance, at least from what I gather are the following:

DailyReportStats - corresponds to the Usage/Report Logs that runreport works off of

ProfileCollection - this is the data collected for your profiles in Profile Manager

Profile - contains the profile name correlated to the profile id that's used in ProfileCollection

Instrumentation - the data collected using Instrumentation Manager

Now get this: "When the usage log is parsed, 5 items are pulled from the usage log and inserted into the database. These include the following: USERID, MSGID, VERB, PRODUCTCODE, VERSION, COMMENTS (note that COMMENTS does not actually contain a value in the log)."

This means the FNC DailyReportStats does not contain all the info that's actually available in the collected logs. I have a support request in process to explain this to me as well as why it is NOT explicitly in the documentation.

i.e. Chapter 9 of the FNC-0610-DG00 FLEXnet Connect 6.1 Deployment Guide.
The last statement in Chapter 9: "Due to the fact that several fields within this reporting file are currently unused, and therefore unpopulated,
only certain fields can be used for custom reporting." Is followed by the NOTE: "For more detailed information on the fields available for custom reports, see Fields Available in Report Logs." And the Fields Available in Report Logs shows all the info that is recorded in the logs, but apparently not in the FNC database.

From what I see, the records created in the tables do not have timestamps ( from transaction perspective ). The only time data I see is in Instrumentation Manager records, where InsTime stores action times. If you want to track changes in a Profile, it currently looks impossible in FNC, you'd have to have a secondary database to keep track of these changes. If you want to know when a profile was most recently updated, I recommend adding your own timestamp field to the profile

I would love to hear or see of anyone else who's getting solid information from the runreport tables. I think some things that are lacking is an ERD of the FNC tables. Currently, for data mining or gathering, the FNC tables seem like it requires a lot of clever tricks and manipulation. Hope this helps.

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