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Level 3

Invoking ISUSPM on demand

I need to test the functionality of the ISUS/FNC toaster, but its behavior relative to the control panel settings for update check frequency is strained at best.

Is there any way I can force ISUSPM to perform a check of all registered products on command and display the toaster pop-up? Waiting around for an hour for the next possible update window is very tedious.
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(3) Replies
Level 3

So... That's a "no"?

How does the Macrovision QA team test that functionality?
0 Kudos
Level 2

I'm afraid that setting the system clock to just before the scheduled interval is the only way to test this out. The way we test the the popup is to...

1. Launch Software Manager.
2. Configure the settings so that it checks for updates at 11:00am.
3. Close Update Manager.
4. Set system clock to 10:58am.
5. Popup should show within 10-12 minutes.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for the response.

That's basically how we've been doing it, but waiting 15 minutes between tests was really slowing us down.

We test all the possible message scenarios before releasing updates to our product, and, at this point, we have in excess of 36 scenarios to test. That works out to 9 hours of waiting for the toaster to pop up.
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