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Level 8

Globetrotter Software???

For those renewing ISUS, be sure to do it early! It took me nearly two weeks and numerous e-mails and phone calls to get my service renewed! I'm not so sure this merger to Macrovision has been in the best interest of InstallShield, it certainly has been painful for me in several regards! I finally see the charge on my credit card for the renewal by "Globetrotter Software." What in the sam hell is that? Not a very professional experience to me with this mess in renewing, then not seeing InstallShield or Macrovision on my CC statement but instead some basketball comedy name.


P.S. Yes, had to renew ISUS to cover the time in migrating my apps to .NET and writing my own update service.
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(2) Replies
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Globetrotter is the original entity that was bought by Macrovision and now part of the Software Technologies group. For various legal and financial purposes they have decided to keep the Globetrotter name and domain name. For example our support site is
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Level 8

LOL, they actually credited the globetrotter purchase and then re-charged my card against Macrovision.

Bottom line, a "merger" is painful/frustrating for all!
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