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Level 3

FlexNet register COM error

I am using FlexNet Connect client with InstallShield to our applications. And in some machines I am receiving this error:

[Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {EE4E49B0-38EC-4C23-A7A6-2E190B5E3418} failed due to the following error: 80040154.]

When looking at the registry this value does not appear, so the DLL fails (I am using .NET COM Interop) to find it.

However the files are installed on C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de programa\Macrovision\FLEXnet Connect\11 properly, and from the Windows-->Startup I am able to see "Software Updates" and when I try to use it goes properly without any problem...

I am making the install from an InstallShield 2009 and I am selecting there UpdateNotifications "Enable FlexNet", I've tried with 3 options (FlexNet Connect 6.10 / FlexNet with Software Manager 11...) As I say when I try it from Windows Startup goes OK, however seems to not install the proper DLLs
on the registry...

And this happens in some machines and in anothers not...

Thanks in advance,

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(10) Replies
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What version of FNC are you using in your application? Within Visual Studio, the easiest way is to go to the references view and get the name of the Typelibrary you're using, e.g. "Acresso FLEXnet Connect Agent" or something like that.

If you let me know that information, we can figure out how to resolve this issue.
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Level 3

I've tried with 2 versions:Acresso FlexNet connect Agent 11.5 type Library, and FlexNet connect Software Manager 6.1 Type Library. And when doing installs I have tried to install one version or another regarding the library I am using on my .NET application.Also I have tried installing version 11.5 and calling
from my .NET application from version 6.1. (In fact this last version was working perfectly for me...since I noticed problems deploying on some machines...)

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The COM interfaces are only designed to support one set of versions. In this case, you would probably want to start off by referencing the 11.50 binaries and installing the 11.50 merge modules.

From there, you would probably want to step through and ensure your code is all using the new FNCClient11Lib namespaces and not the older ones starting with MVSN.

Also, are you testing on a clean machine for this?
0 Kudos
Level 3

I am deploying the current merge modules for version 11.50, and calling the binaries for version 11.50. I am using them on a clean machine. The problem is that they are not registered properly on some machines, refer to the first message please...And I would like to know the fix or cause of this...


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Not applicable

Because the Software Manager is functioning properly, it seemed like you had a working installation. Our product relies on the COM interfaces to be registered for proper functionality; however, it's possible that the Software Manager referenced the wrong version of FNC. On a clean machine; however, the CSM pointing to the wrong version shouldn't be possible, which is why I asked.

I also should have mentioned this, but I don't recognize the COM GUID {EE4E49B0-38EC-4C23-A7A6-2E190B5E3418} as provided by interface provided by FNC 11.50. I could be missing something, though.

The product itself should register the binary files by including the 11.50 MSM. If you attach an install log, we could probably figure out why the component that includes the registry data isn't being installed as expected.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Well I finally came across with the problem...Version libraries were different...The ones which I had one importing on .NET environment were 11.5,
and the ones Installshield had to deploy were 11.01. trying to change to the merge modules on version 11.5, did not work for me...So I finally ended with version 11.01, and taking the interop libraries on this version...

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Not applicable

InstallShield does support deploying the other merge modules, though the Update Notifications view may not completely support selecting the 11.50 merge module without modifying a settings.xml file.

If you're still interested in getting FNC 11.50 working with InstallShield then we could definitely help you. It may be faster and easier for you to contact support at 847-413-2896 to get more specific assistance with this problem.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks Bryan,
I solved this by as I said by deploying 11.01 merge modules. Just from I will only support 11.01 libraries.

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Not applicable

I understand that, but we would obviously like to help you get it working with the latest version of FNC if you are ever interested in the future.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Zodraz, in your InstallShield Installer are you also setting the "Include Update Manager" setting to Yes? If not, it should be - give this a try.

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