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Level 3

FNC v6.1 is now available - so what?

So what I mean is,
What was fixed? Why should I install it? I see the SDK was updated too - do they both need to be installed? How about some more information?
I currently am running 6.0, Premier. I got an email telling me that 6.1 is available, featuring "improvements and enhancements over the previous release". Great, how about some detail? Not in the links in the email.
I came to this site figuring there would be an announcement or discussion.

While I'm ranting, it occurred to me that I could update the FN Connect SDK by using the Software Manager. No, it doesn't see any updates available. You guys can't deliver the updates with your own updater?
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(1) Reply
Level 9

Hello dkaatz,

It looks like we have an opportunity to refine our communications. I haven't seen the email you mention, but I'll try to get my hands on it. Regarding your desire for more information, new releases typically point to That's where you'll find the release notes, details of what was fixed and changed, etc.

The SDK is recommended due to the changes made which allow a separate agent for a given product rather than an agent as a shared resource. That also happens to be the reason we do not publisher updates to the agent. It would be perhaps a bit rude of us to change the bits that a different software vendor had set onto the machine. There's so much more than that, though.

As always, I encourage you to submit your feedback on what we can improve via the corporate website: In particular, it sounds as though we didn't meet your expectations with the email announcement, so please let us know how we can improve.

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