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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Differential Media does noe update exising self-registered file

Hi All,

I'd like 2 inform u to the level i reached 2.
actually i built the main setup i need( under installshield X- using InstallScript project type).
this setup includes the following:
1. some files and folders (need to be deleted in the update setup)
2. some files is missed (need to be added in the update setup)
3. somef files (self-registered DLL) need to be updated in the new setup.
Now in my new build (using Release Wizard) i selected "Differential" type of update installatioin
and on OnUpdateUIAfter( ) i wrote script to delete files and update my shortcuts and program folder and update registry valus......., in the other hand the new file was transfered correctly
The Problem now is the file that was is ready installed by the main setup haven't updated, where installshield referemce talks "A differentail Media build contains only files that are part of the new media and which are not part of the specified existing media,and files that have changed from the spcified existing media to new media".

So what should i do to update the DLL .
Note My new DLL (has different Date,size).

thanks a lot.
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(1) Reply
Level 6

You are not posting this to the right community product. You would want to post this to the Installscript project type for InstallSHield X.
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