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Level 2

Deploying Flex net


I am new to FlexNet connect and Installshield. I have created Basic MSI setup project for my application(.net) using Installshield 2010 and it is working fine.
Now I want give an option to check for updates for end users. I dont want to use the software manager for this, Instead I want to create my own UI interface. And using the APIs it is working fine in my Development system. Now I want to deploy the same to end users machines. for that can any one point me to which all files should be included in the setup project?

Thanking you in advance
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(3) Replies
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You would either choose to deploy the FLEXnet Connect Lite or FLEXnet Connect Full merge module dependent on whether you want to include the Software Manager or not. That's the only material difference between the two merge modules.

In your case, it sounds like you want a custom user interface so the Lite merge module may be more along the lines of what you're looking for.
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Level 2


Thanks for your quick reply.

I have included my CheckforUpdate project's exe and deployed it to the testing machine along with Interop.FlexCC11Lib.dll and FlexNetConnect with software Manager. But while running the application I am getting an exception 'Unknown Error' at code 'usagent.GetNotificationCollection("myProductcode")', which is working fine in developmwnt environment:confused: :confused: .

Also what is FLEXnet Connect Lite? (I am very new to FlexNet)
How can I include this in my setup project?

Thanking you once again
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Not applicable

FLEXnet Connect Lite is one of the two merge modules distributed with the FLEXnet Connect SDK. The best suggestion I could give is to either contact our support department for additional assistance or consult the Windows SDK documentation, which should be in your start menu.

Generally, errors that come from FLEXnet Connect should be in the form of ComExceptions if you're using any .NET language. You can try catching the ComException data type and that should get you more detailed information.

How are you including the FNC merge modules in to your product now? Have you populated the Update Notifications view? Possibly more importantly, which version of InstallShield are you using?
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