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Level 3

C++ COM interface to Agent events

Is there a method to determine that Update Service has completed? As the call to AutoUpdate() returns almost immediately even though agent.exe is still running.

The Update Service SDK documentation does mention the use of events, such as DOWNLOAD_BEGIN and DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE, but the documentation is minimal and the sample code is written in Visual Basic.

After several days effort I have finally managed to invoke the Update Service using C++ automation, as I don't want any compilation dependencies on Agent.exe, but the events don't seem to be working correctly. The DOWNLOAD_BEGIN and UPDATE_COMPLETE events seem to trigger before the "Available Program Update" dialog is displayed and the remaining events never seem to get triggered.

I am using Visual C++ version 5.0 and have attached full source code for my prototype application. Can anyone tell me why the events don't get triggered as expected and help me get this working correctly ?

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(1) Reply
Level 3

After much investigation it appears that Update Service has the following limitations when trying to perform a completely silent update and capture events:

1) One-Click Installations cannot be run silently and do not trigger events correctly; therefore Single File Executable installations must be used if a silent update is required.

2) Updates must be > 4MB in order to trigger the OnDownloadBegin event.

3) The AutoUpdate method must be used to invoke silent updates. Whilst the Download method can be used to download an update silently, the Execute method cannot be invoked silently and does not trigger the OnUpdateBegin and OnUpdateComplete events.

Having taken account of all these limitations I have now successfully managed to perform a silent update and know that it is complete once the OnUpdateComplete event is triggered.

Note that InstallShield Support did apparently know about all of these issues once I had pointed them out but these BUGS are not documented anyway on the Update Service website.

Hopefully they will be documented and resolved soon!
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