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Level 3

windows 2008 certification and ISICE errors

I would like to test my merge modules and my MSI packages for Windows 2008 certification. I have InstallShield 2009 and there are different validation tests I can run, Full MSI Suite, Vista Suite, .... The interesting part is when I run the Vista suite I get ISICE and ISBP errors that are something InstallShield checks but they are not reported by Microsoft. Anybody could explain me what are the differences between these errors and the ICE errors?
Accoding to the help, ISICE errors are things that should be fixed for Vista. Does it mean they are required to be certified ? Further, if they are required, are they also required for Windows server 2008?
The Help doesn't really get too much into the details of what is needed and what is not for 2008, Vista, 2003 and so on.

What is the minimum suite I need to comply with to certify my package for Windows server 2008?
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I haven't personally kept on top of what the logo certification requirements are for Windows 2008 Server, but here's the deal about the ISICEs and ISBPs with regards to Vista. Most of the ISICEs check for things that Microsoft's ICEs do not verify, but the Windows Vista logo certification requires. However passing or failing the ISICEs is not an official hurdle in the certification process. ISICEs are helpful for drawing your attention to areas that are likely to need improvement. They are not complete; lots of the certification test cases go beyond what the ICEs and ISICEs verify together. Finally, the ISBPs are extra suggestions, which aren't necessarily reflected in logo certification requirements at all.
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