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Level 4

web deployment

I am using InstallShield Express 2013. Does anyone know if one can change the graphics in the web deployment setup? In the regular set up of course you can go to dialogs and replace the bitmaps with your own. So during the setup the user will see the graphics we want them to see instead of default InstallShield graphics. Can the same be done with web deployment? So it will have the graphics I chose instead of default InstallShield graphics?
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(2) Replies
Level 17

In the Express edition, you can change the background or banner of the dialogs via the Banner Bitmap setting in the Dialogs view.
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Level 4

Right but that doesn't affect the web deployment setup. I already have the dialog bitmaps changed for the normal setup. But when you go through the web deployment wizard there is no option to change those graphics.
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