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using a property as a component destination

I have a basic msi project. I create a property lets call it "MY_PROPERTY" - note all upper case so it is a global property. I do a system search for a registry key to get the path to where I need to install my components. I store the result of the search in "MY_PROPERTY" - IS 10 allows me to select my property from the list in the system search wizard. All is ok so far.

When I try to set the destination of my componets to "MY_PROPERTY" I get an unkown error with no error code. Also my property is not in the list of properties that the destination field has when you select the dropdown.

What am I doing wrong?
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Components use Directory Table entires as their destination, which are quite a bit different than regular properties.

Basically, you would want to add a Directory Table entry to the Files & Folders view, set that with your AppSearch and also make that the destination of your component.

The blog series here might help understand how the Directory Table fits in to the installer:
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Thanks there is some very good reading at that link.

I did what you said but it's not going to work (as I see it) because the AppSearch returns from the registry a path to the root for the installation. The components need to go in sub directories under the registry definded root. Any way around this with just an msi project? I need to append the subdirectory onto the AppSearch result for the destination of the componets.

I have no control over what is in the registry as it is defined by another installer which is provided by a 3rd party.

I know this can be done with install script but I wanted to just stick with the basic msi if I could.
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