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Level 4

string resource files and language selection


First of all I want to change the language descriptors in my installscript project.

I don't want it to say "English (United States)", just "English" as our product comes in either USA English or English International, regardless that it's not an option in the installer. So the only way I've found to do this is manually replace the string resource files. This is a pain but I don't know where else to do it.

Secondly if I could fix this permanently somewhere in the IDE I would like to have all those string resource files compressed somewhere, like they used to be....

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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Assuming you mean in the runtime language selection dialog, you can try modifying this in the \Support\0x0409.ini and related files. Scroll near the bottom and look for the string including English. You may need to modify this in all the languages you include, and the setting will be global across all projects built after this change, so back up the original files if you want to return to the original strings.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thanks! That will help!
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