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Level 3

relative source file referencing

How can I define file components (either dynamic linked files or individual) using relative source paths?
The Source Location property seems to only work if I make paths relative to a path variable, isn't there the concept of 'current directory'? I have a project that is reused for different customer builds. The only thing that changes (relative to the installation) is the location of the source, so I'd really like to be able to create a single installation project that can be just reused without having to edit the installation everytime just to change the path references.
For example:

Both client folders contain identical source, but the installation project in 'tmp_sandbox' references the files in 'original_sandbox' (where the installshield project was initially created). I'd like it to simple reference files using . or .. (followed by any subfolder path info if needed).

Anyone know if or how this can be done?
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Level 3

Resolved my own question. Turns out the built-in path variable ISProjectDir is effectively the same as current working directory and can be used for the basis of all relative paths when defining components.

Thanks to all those who took the time to read the request and give it some thought - hopefully others that need the same functionality will read this and shorten their learning curve on this feature.
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Level 3

One limitation I still run into is that if you still cannot reference something outside of the ${ISProjectDir} folder; i.e. a shared component from another project area.

I am a bit surprised that IS does not support this relative path referencing, but ended up getting around it by incorporating the IS functionality into a build process (ANT) that copied these shared parts into the IS project so they can be referenced using the ${ISProjectDir} approach.

IMO this is a fairly significant absense in an installation solution.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Have you tried using a construct like \..? That shows me the parent of the ISProjectFolder if I define it in the Path Variables view.
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