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Level 3

"application error" after recreation of the Installation package

I am having problem with one basic MSI package. I created this package a few months ago and everything was fine. However this week I took out the same ism file (did not make any change to the files and configurations), and build the package again, the new package could install the program, but when I run the installed program, it gives me "Application Error" message:"The instruction at 0x7c9101b3 referenced memory at 0x00610070, the memory could not be read".

I think this is installshield problem because if I use the old installation package created a few months ago, there is no problem at all running the installed program.

I tried install/uninstall packages, running windows System File Checker tool, windows system restore, re-install InstallShield, and re-install InstallShield on another computer and move all the source files on that computer to recreate the package, nothing works so far...

one additional information, i used process monitor to check difference between the processes for the corrupted installation and the old working installation (my OS is XP). it seems that for the corrupted one, after "RegOpenKey" "HKCR\CLSID\{id}\InprocServer32" (Result "Success"), the following step is "RegOpenKey" "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug" (start debugging?)....

I was wondering if it is some module or internal link that might be misplaced or broken? any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated!!
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Level 3

ok. found the problem... if i run the installation from the original directory (i.e. c:\installshield\myproject1\product configuration 1\release 1\diskimages\disk1), the program would be installed but the application error would appear when running the installed program. however, if i copy the disk1 files to another directory, and run the installation from there, everything would be fine!

makes no sense to me... are we not supposed to run the installation package directly from where it was created??

anyway, i am glad that i can do my updates now.... 🙂
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