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Level 3

problem verifying installed products with registryService


I'm having issues when trying to verify a product installation with the registryService. The code i'm using was working fine with ISMP 5.03, but no luck so far with ISMP 11.5 SP1 (myProduct is always null). The uid i'm looking up is for another ISMP 11.5 installation product, so i believe this should work.
Any known issues, troubleshooting tips?



WizardServices services = getProductBean().getServices();
RegistryService regserv = (RegistryService)services.getService(RegistryService.NAME);
myProduct = regserv.getNewestSoftwareObject(uid);
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Level 3

a bit more details on this issue...
what i'm trying to do is to get information about the installation of product B when running the installer for product A.
With ISMP 5.03, I was able to do just that, but after some testing, it seems that with ISMP 11.5, the installer for product A can only gather information about installations of product A. Is this a known limitation/behavior?
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Flexera Alumni

The format of the VPD registry changed with ISMP 10.5; perhaps look into the LegacyRegistryService interface to get information about an ISMP 5 installation from an ISMP 11.5 installation.

(Searching the docs for the word "legacy" should turn up other related information, such as the Legacy Uninstall action and the Legacy Install Location action.)
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Level 3

forgot to mention...
both products are installed with ISMP 11.5
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Level 3

One more question:
How do "manually" check that a product installation is indeed "registered" in the registry?
I'm wondering if the issue could be that the products i'm looking for are actually not properly registered in the registry (even though they are installed on the system...)
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Flexera Alumni

Please see the help topic "Location of the VPD Registry" for some information about where the VPD data are stored; I haven't looked at it for ages, but please also see "Using the VPD Exporter Utility" for information about a tool that might be of use.
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Level 3

alright, I finally figured this one out.
product A is set up with the default vpd location (under the installation information tab -> general information -> advanced properties), while product B was set up with a "custom" location.
Result is the registryService for product A is only looking at the vpd registry in the default location (or whatever location the project is set to) and will not look into the vpd registry of product B, since it is not in the same location...
So, to have my stuff working, i need to setup product A vpd location to be the same as product B.
It would be really nice if there was a way to set the vpd location on the registryService to accomodate that kind of issue. If product A has to look up for product B and C installation information, and product B and C are using different vpd location, there is no way to find that information at the moment.
Robert, how do make an enhancement request for this?
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Level 3

found this article describing how to query a VPD in a different location (exactly what I was looking for):
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