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Level 3

paths dependent on language (Windows Vista)

In Windos Vista, the path Program Files when it’s showed in the windows explorer it dependent on the language of the S.O (in Spanish “Archivos de programa”), it’s only showed, the real path is Program Files.

When my installation ask for a path to install, the window show “Program Files” instead of “Archivos de Programa” although my S.O is Spanish.

How can I do my setup show the path dependent on the language ?

Thanks in advance
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(4) Replies
Level 17

This topic is discussed in the following thread:
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks DebbieL

I knew this is a feature of Vista, but I think this is not a excuse.

When I open a file dialog in an app this show the path dependet on the language.
Why not the installer ??
0 Kudos
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

This behavior comes from Windows Installer itself, as part of the DirectoryList control used on the InstallChangeFolder dialog. As such, we can't change this; only Microsoft can.
0 Kudos
Level 2

Sorry for lifting this old thread, but is there any new information regarding this behaviour?

- Has there been or is there going to be an update to the Windows Installer?
- Has Microsoft published any info on this that one can refer to when such questions arise from customers?
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