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Level 3

installing on AIX platform ..files dont get copied

I can build an executable setup.jar that appears to copy all files. but the files that had a platform specific value for AIX do not get copied when installing on AIX. The only files that get copied are the ones where the component was either no condition, or the platfom specific property for the condition was AIX.

Any clues as to why I cant get files unique to AIX copied..

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(3) Replies
Level 9

I use the Platforms property quite frequently and never had a problem.

Do you have a Build Category associated with the Feature/component? If you have a win32ppk BC and you set the platforms to AIX and build an AIX installer - that component will not be installed!

Check the features/components properties also if you have any conditions that would not allow the features/components to be installed!

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Level 3

The way I've solved this for the moment is..for AIX, I set the platform specific property on the component to Windows ALL and set it to "must not be met". This seems to work , but I'll look into the build category suggestion.

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Level 9

It sounds like you are using the Conditions property and not the Advanced Properties->Platforms->'AIX Power' - although I would guess both should work.

I just check the AIX power Platform because from what you are saying is that your AIX files will be installed to all platforms BUT Windows!

if you are only installing on Windows and AIX then I guess that will work but I do not think it's the correct thing to do.

Do you have one jar with many launchers or do you embed the jar with each platform launcher? If you have the one jar - then you should use the platforms property - but if you have several launchers, you can create for example, five different build Categories for each platform - Windows, SunOS, AIX HP, Linux and associate the BC to a platform in the Advanced Porps as in win32ppk. Then only those components will be added to the .jar for that particular build!
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