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Level 3

install feature/component from net

Does anyone know, is there any options in Basic MSI project that are similar with features options "FTP location" and "HTTP location" from InstallScript MSI project? I have one .exe file that I have to install on user machine if it is not already installed, but I don't want to include it in setup.exe because it has big size, I want to download it from the web. Is it possible in Basic MSI project?
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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

One option might be to create a setup prerequisite for your large, optional file; that gives the option to download the file from a URL you provide...
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Level 3

This was my first idea, to create a prerequisite, but I have a condition for installing that file like following:

a AND (b OR c OR d)

I don't know how to add these "OR" conditions in the setup prerequisite, so because of that I search for another solution...
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Flexera Alumni

Is it an option to use a Web media type where all .cab files will be stored at a URL you specify?

Otherwise, if you're willing to use an InstallScript custom action, CopyFile and XCopyFile will accept a URL as a file source. Of course, using such a custom action will require custom handling for uninstall, rollback, uninstall-rollback, repair, and so forth, but it might be an option...
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