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Level 2

how can i use current project directory for other settings?

I'm kinda new with IS MultiPlatform, and i was looking everywhere is help and support to figure out how can i know what is the current project directory? in IS windows there is "ISPROJECTDIR" (and i'm also familair with IA which has "$IA_PROJECT_DIR$") path variable that i can use if the project were moved and need to built on another machine (during automatic build) so that all data files were relative to the project path, But i can't find any such thing in IS Multiplatform. The only thing i can see is that i should set some kind of path variable, to adjust all data files according to that path and then in build time to run in command line (it's automated process) "... -pathVariable ISPROJECTDIR=".
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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(2) Replies
Level 9

Not sure if this is what you’re looking for but in the Installation Designer View -> Media -> Path Variables you can set you variables there! You should see the PROJECT_DIR (not quite sure why this would change)! You basically set variables to your data in here:

UNIX_BIN = C:\project\unix\bin
AIX_BIN = C:\project\aix\bin

And then in your installation design view you could if you can browse to or use $A(UNIX_BIN) when adding files from that directory! Then if anything with the paths change – you just change the path var instead of having to go through each hard coded path!

You can also change your default Project Location in the Tools->General->Default Project Location if you want to keep everything relative with the data and project files!

Hop this is what you’re looking for!
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Level 2

Thanks for the reply!
I already know about the path variable solution (altough i couldn't see "PROJECT_DIR" variable anywhere. all i have is "IS_HOME" in default). But the problem with this solution is that when building on another computer (for example when using Stand Alone Build Machine who is doing the actual build automatically) i'll have to add to the command-line "...-pathVariable BIN_UNIX=<...>". In IS Windows 10.5 and IA 7, i had predefined variables pointing at the local project dir., so my question remains: where can i find this predefined variable and how can i use it?
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