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Level 2

files missing in and data1.hdr


When I extract my data1.hdr I found that most of the files are missing under components.

Mostly, the data1.hdr didn't include the files but include the folders only. (For example, Parent is a folder under child1 and child2 are files. In data1.hdr,only parent\ has been included but it should be like parent\child1,parent\child2.)

I believe some configuration is missing.Please suggest...
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(2) Replies
Level 7

I suggest looking at the report that was created when the project was built. Verify that the files and subfolders were detected at the source at the time the package was built. I have had the situation where I am using a Dynamic Link in a Component, and due to network issues external to InstallShield the Dynamic Link does not detect any files or subfolders. So they are 'missing' from the resulting package. There is no error reported because Dynamic Link included everything it found for the Component, which was nothing. This is a risk that you take when you use Dynamic Linking rather than Static Linking. But without reviewing your build report, one can only guess that the issue might be related to a Dynamic Link.

After this Dynamic Link issue bit us a few times we scripted into our build process a procedure that compares the new build report to the last build report and produces a 'difference' report. Using this I can detect when this problem happens, fix the network problem, and rebuild the package prior to ever passing the defective package to QA.
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Level 2

phill_mn wrote:
I suggest looking at the report that was created when the project was built. Verify that the files and subfolders were detected at the source at the time the package was built. I have had the situation where I am using a Dynamic Link in a Component, and due to network issues external to InstallShield the Dynamic Link does not detect any files or subfolders. So they are 'missing' from the resulting package. There is no error reported because Dynamic Link included everything it found for the Component, which was nothing. This is a risk that you take when you use Dynamic Linking rather than Static Linking. But without reviewing your build report, one can only guess that the issue might be related to a Dynamic Link.

After this Dynamic Link issue bit us a few times we scripted into our build process a procedure that compares the new build report to the last build report and produces a 'difference' report. Using this I can detect when this problem happens, fix the network problem, and rebuild the package prior to ever passing the defective package to QA.

Yes.I looked the report too. There I am able to see like File is "". Size is some KB. Identifier is something and the Source is "I\Media\...". So the source is correct. But the file name is simply with "". And some of the files are missing here. But I am sure every file copied into the source folder of the installation.
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