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Level 5

calling a function to get the value in the dll

In my application files, I've a .dll file having a piece of value which another function is capable of extracting. Now at the time of installation, I need this value to be retrieved from the .dll file.

The question is:
Now, how to call the function from InstallScript, to get the values so as to save it into the registry. :confused:

Please help.

Thanks in advance.
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(4) Replies
Level 10

There's a really good explanation you can follow if you look at the help topic "Calling a .dll File Function".
0 Kudos
Level 5

Hey Dan,

Thanks for the reply but I'm still not getting the solution. I tried looking in the help and found the CallDLLFx function which calls a function, which is inside a dll file.

But the actual problem is that I need to call a function which resides in a file(i.e. from the set of files, which I'm installing) and this function should take as parameter the dll file name and will return the values in the dll file which I need to save into the registry key.

Now as this function is internal to the application file, which I'm installing, I wonder whether there is any way to call it.:confused:

Thanks in advance. 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 10

What project type are you using?
0 Kudos
Level 5


I'm using an installscript project.
Please ask, if you have any doubts regarding my aim.

Thanks in advance. 🙂
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