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Level 7

bug in latest skin customization kit?

We recently upgraded from IS 12 to IS 2009.

I had to rebuild our product .skin file and we found that the Installshield logo was noticeably taller than the rest of the bottom bar graphic, making it look pretty bad. Note that the computer is set to 120 dpi, in case that matters.

I went back and rebuilt with the skin customization kit from IS 12 and it came out fine.

I compared the bottom bar dimensions in the samples in both kits, and they were the same, so this really looks like a bug with the latest version of the skin customization kit.
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Level 7

I just built a new skin with the 2010 skin customization kit and found that this bug is still there. I'm a little surprised by the lack of response on this. Perhaps it's only occuring if your build computer is set to 120 dpi, but it seems more common to use 120 dpi with the high-res monitors these days. Has nobody else encountered this problem??

I guess I'll continue to use the older IS12 kit for now, which fortunately I still have access to. If someone knows of a workaround or solution to this problem (using the latest kit), please share.

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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

If you have changed the DPI setting on a machine building an InstallScript project with skinned dialogs, the DPI must be consistent across any other machines building the project. Otherwise, the skins may display incorrectly. This is something that hopefully will be addressed in a future release.
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