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Level 4

billboards whizz by - bug! InstallScript MSI project converted from ISDeveloper 8

I've upgraded an installscript MSI project from InstallShield Developer 8SP2 to InstallShield 2008.

However, I've noticed the billboards are displayed for a very short period of time (compared to when the install was built with IS8SP2). It appears to be a bug.

I've seen an InstallShield KB article which seems to apply to InstallShield 12, however I'm not sure it's relevant to InstallShield 2008.

Please note that we build our setups using the IS 2008 Clean Build engine.

Can someone please clarify the problem. Many thanks.
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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

There was an issue with the InstallScript engine changes made in InstallShield 12 that caused billboards to be displayed before file copy started. This was resolved in a service pack for IS 12 and the fix is also included in IS 2008.

Can you reproduce this issue in a sample project? Does this happen on all machines or only some?
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Level 4

InstallScript MSI project; 3 Billboards (bbrd1.bmp/2/3); the billboard files are compressed in to the SETUP.EXE.

I am using:
SetDisplayEffect( EFF_REVEAL );

to gradually "fill" in the billboards.

After building the project (ported from IS 😎 - the install contains quite a large number of files - I installed it on an XP box; the billboard was displayed for very little time at all. it was "revealed" quickly before more files were copied; then the other 2 billboards were done likewise. It all felt very rushed.

What I might do is not use a DisplayEffect, but just display the billboards completely.

To be honest, I haven't got the time to work out what is wrong; this project has been working for 5 years in IS Developer 8.02.

However, what I would say is the billboards were displayed during file copy (from what I remember), not before.

I'd need to play around; perhaps the easiest thing to do is switch off the billboard display effects, and rebuild my install, and re-install; and pay more attention.
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