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Level 6

accessing string table at run time?


I am running a query on a custom table to get an identifier to the string table

How can I then load the string from the string table?

I don’t want to save the actual value in a custom table because it is much harder to localize it

Thanks in advance
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(2) Replies
Level 17

When you are using the Create Table Wizard to create a custom table, you can specify that a column should contain localizable strings. If you mark the column as localizable string, you can use string identifiers in place of localizable text in that table column. The String Tables area of the General Information view is where you create new string identifiers and assign values to them. (You can also export a string table to a text file, send it out for translation, and then import it back in.) At build time, InstallShield replaces the string identifiers with the appropriate language string.

Does that help?
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Level 6

Yes!!! thanks.
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