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Level 2

Xml File Changes and element order

I am having problems with the element order on Xml File Changes.

I want the order of elements to remain exactly as they are in the IDE, but they are written to file in either an ASCII order or randomly if the element names are the same.

e.g. In the IDE I have the new elements to be added listed as:

Line 0
Line 1
Line 2

Line 0
Line 1

But when written to file the following could be the result:

Line 1
Line 0

Line 0
Line 2
Line 1

Is there any way of forcing IS to write the new elements to the Xml file in the desired order?

I also notice that when I close the IS IDE and reopen it, the elements in the Xml File Changes view shown in a random order. Is it really that difficult for IS to preserve the desired order???
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(1) Reply
Level 4


did you come to any solution on this problem or has anyone else an idea? I have the same problem now.

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