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Level 2

XML File Changes Leaves file readonly and hidden after rollback


I am using 2008 Professional and am trying to modify a web.config using XML File Changes (The web config is being copied as part of the installation process then the connection string modified).

As long as the installation completes succesfuly, all is well, but if during the installation something goes wrong, the rollback runs, but leaves the web.config behind with readonly and hidden properties.

I have found only one previous post on this forum about this issue, but no one responded.

If there is no fix for this is it better to modify the web config using some code I found posted on here to do it through the InstallScript?

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(1) Reply
Level 7

I found that this CA is responsible for this. And it runs in System context, so that explains the attributes on the file. My opinion is that you need to remove this CA and come up with a better mechanism of restoring the web.config file to it's original state in case the installation fails.
Tell me how it goes.
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