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Level 3

Working directory parameter

Hi all.

I have a problem when I try to set the working directory parameter on a shortcut.

The problem is that the correct folder does not appear on browse option even though it exists, I don't know why, and I can't type it directly.

Can you help me? Perhaps it's a bug?

Thank you.
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(4) Replies
Level 7

Can you provide more details as how I can reproduce? I will also create an bug issue as to make this field editable.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Marwan.

The probleam appears when I create a shortcut to launch my application.

I created the shortcut to the executable file. Later, when I'm try to edit the working directory parameter on that shortcut, I can't type any path, and when I use the browse option, I can't see all the folders only some of them.

Please, let me know if you need anything else to solve my problem.

Thank you in advance.
0 Kudos
Level 7

This will be fixed in the next update by making the field editable (#IOC-000082497).

For now, you can modify the value in the Shortcut table from the DirectEditor.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Marwan wrote:
This will be fixed in the next update by making the field editable (#IOC-000082497).

For now, you can modify the value in the Shortcut table from the DirectEditor.


I will do.
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