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Level 5

WindowsFolder as cache location

I'm looking for a little help here. I build my installer as a setup.exe and specify that I want the product cached (Releases window, setup.exe tab, Cache MSI locally). The path I specify starts with [WindowsFolder] and I would expect that to resolve to C:\WINDOWS. Instead the package appears in C:\Documents and Settings\sandersonpj\WINDOWS. Which is surely wrong.

Looking at a verbose log I notice ResolveSource sets the property to D&S then CostFinalize sets it to the correct value, but that's all too late anyway as IS has already cached the MSI by that point.

This looks like a bug to me, but maybe it's by design, or maybe I'm missing something. It used to work fine in IS12. Any ways round it? I don't really want to have to give command line parameters to setup.exe.

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Level 6

You should not be cacheing your setup in the Windows folder anymore, due to the lockdown in Vista. The release notes of IS2008 suggests the location to put it in. If it is putting it in C:\Documents and Settings\sandersonpj\UserData\WINDOWS then it's Vista virtualization doing it's thing. If its putting it in C:\Documents and Settings\sandersonpj\WINDOWS, it's the first I've heard of it
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Level 5

Sorry, I should have said it was 2003 Server. Anyway, thanks for the information, I hadn't spotted that in the release notes. Although we're not targetting Vista I guess the same will happen in 2008 Server, so I'd better prepare myself now.

Thanks for the help.
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