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Level 3

Windows Mobile Deployment

Hi All,

I've just upgraded an old Install Shield 12 project to Install Shield 2010 which deploys a Windows Mobile Application. We have recently upgraded the backup technology so I have edited the installation wizard to deploy the Compact Framework 3.5 and SQLCE 3.5. I've added a new release and successfully generated an installer, all good so far. I've connected a mobile device, ActiveSync connected, and run my installer. My installer deploys all of the .CAB files onto the desktop but does not push any of them down on the mobile device like it used to. I don't even see the programs listed in the Add/Remove menu of Active Sync.

Does anybody have any thoughts/ideas about why this? Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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(5) Replies
Level 7

Can you look at the MSI log and see if you have a line similar to this:
InstallShield Windows Mobile Runtime Info: No command line, nothing to install, so skip CEAppMgr launch. ?
0 Kudos
Level 7

Look at the InstallExecuteSequence and make sure that the InstallCEApps action comes after the InstallCEAppsDesktop action.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for your replies.

I've attached the log file. I could not find any warning about nothing to install but there are warning messages, which I'm not sure whether they are just that.

Where abouts in Install Shield do I check the install sequence?

Thanks again, Anthony
0 Kudos
Level 3

Don't worry just found the install sequence and yes it looks like the order needs to be changed. I'm just in the process of changing this and giving it another try. Will let you know the outcome. Thanks
0 Kudos
Level 3

Excellent, changing the event sequence fixes my problems. Thanks for your prompt reply in helping me solve this.

On a separate note, do you know whether I can do anything about the warning messages in the log file?

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