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Level 4

When is Application Folder removed during major upgrade

Hi all:

I have an InstallScript MSI project provided by 3rd party. One custom action (condition: Installed, placed before InstallInitialize) of the project needs some files in application folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\My Product Name) to do our uninstallation procedure. It works fine when we just do installation and uninstallation. However, when we do major upgrade, something strange happens...

As soon as we execute setup.exe (has major upgrade functionality), the application folder is removed immediately. More specifically, the application folder is removed before I see the Welcome Dialog. Since the application folder is removed in the improper time, we couldn't find desired files to do complete uninstallation during major upgrade. But as far as I know, the application folder is removed during the RemoveExistingProducts CA of newer version, isn't it?

Could anyone tell me the answer to these questions?
1. When is the application folder removed during major upgrade?
2. Could I know the above behavior via log file (which keyword for instance)?

Any help is very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Level 4

Any idea?
please give me some hints
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Level 4

I found something weird.

If I close my application before major upgrade, the application folder would be removed before I see the Welcome Dialog. The log file is attached below. I didn't see any valuable information

However, if I make my application open when doing major upgrade (Notes: My setup would check if application is still running. If yes, it would automatically close this application sometime during setup), the folder would not be removed until it exits from RemoveExistingProducts CA. This is just what I expect.

So far, I have no clue to this.
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