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Level 3

What can I do when prerequisite installation fails

How can I stop my setup when a installation of a prerequisite fails?
Or generaly what can I do?

In my case the following happens:
I have a InstallScript project. Prerequiste .NET Framework 4.5.
Administrative privileges in prerequisites and execution Level Administrative in Setup.exe.
I start the setup (with non administrative privileges). The Framework can not be installed.
A second setup.exe process starts and I reach a message, that a second instance can not be startet.
After to click the ok button I reach the message, that I must have admin rights.

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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Hmm. If I understand your scenario correctly, you have a per-user InstallScript installation that requires the .NET framework, and this combination doesn't appear to elevate correctly. If your application should not be installed per-user, I would suggest just elevating at the original launch. If, however, it should be per-user, you might find it easiest to work around this by detecting and optionally launching the framework's installation from your script instead of using the prerequisite.
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Level 3

Hi Michael

I made a little setup. It is possible with this to reproduce the problem.
How can I send this project to you? It is a ZIP-file about 2.5MB.

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