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Level 3

Welcome page customisation during update


I have created a new project MyApp 1.0.1 to replace MyApp 1.0.0. The new project is a full install MSI, the idea being to replace the existing MSI on our downloads page, but to also update MyApp 1.0.0 if it was previsouly installed.

This all works fine. However, on the welcome wizard page when the MSI runs in update mode, it displays "MyApp 1.0.1 BETA 1" in the Wizard title bar (which is fine), but the text on the page says...

"The InstallShield Wizard will update the installed version (1.0.0) of MyApp 1.0.1 BETA 1 to version 1.0.1. To continue, click Next."

Looks really odd. Is there any easy way to customise what is displayed on this page? I have not made any changes to the default welcome dialog or written any InstallScript (newbie!).

The defaullt text in the dialog editor shows "Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for %P".

Any help would be appreciated.
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(4) Replies
Level 3

Any chance someone could respond to my question please.

Many thanks.
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Flexera Alumni

This is an InstallScript MSI project? (Basic MSI doesn't use %P, as far as I can recall.) What kind of update is it? Could you post a screenshot of the dialog box?
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Level 3

Sorry for delay in replying. Attached is a screenshot of the welcome page showing the message...

"Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for %P"
0 Kudos
Level 3

Eventually I found how to change the update text by modifying the InstallScript OnUpdateUIBefore().

To change the welcome page text for an update, do the following...

szTitle = "";
// "The InstallShield Wizard will update the installed version (%VI) of %P to version %VS. To continue, click Next."
szMsg = "A previous version of MyApp has been detected. The InstallShield Wizard will update the installed version. To continue, click Next.";

To change the setup progress text...

// "The InstallShield Wizard is updated %VI of %P to version %VS"
szMsg = "The InstallShield Wizard is updating to %P";
SdSubstituteProductInfo( szMsg );

Hope this helps others as this is difficult to track down.
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