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Level 2

Visual Studio crash with C++ project and Installshield LE

I'm having a problem when I try to edit a C++ header file in Visual Studio 2010 Professional with Installshield 2011 LE.

Here are the steps to reproduce:

- File - New - Project.
- Select C++ - General - Empty Project. Give it a name, and check the "Create directory for solution" checkbox.
- In Solution Explorer, right click the project and select Add - Class. Give the class a name.
- In Solution Explorer, right click the solution and select Add - New Project. Select an Installshield LE project and give it a name.
- Go through the steps in the Project Assistant. Take the defaults in most cases, but for Installation Requirements, select .Net 3.5.
- Build the solution. There will be a linker error, "entry point must be defined."
- Now go back to the C++ project and try to edit the C++ header file. Add a new method, add "__declspec(dllexport)" directives to the constructor, destructor, and the method. On my system, I don't get too far with this before the Visual Studio IDE crashes.

If I unload the Installshield LE project and edit the header file, Visual Studio doesn't crash.

I can ZIP up and submit my solution if that would be helpful.

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(2) Replies
Level 10


I am currently looking into this issue and would get back to you as soon as I have more information.

0 Kudos
Level 10


Could you kindly try the below hotfix.

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