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Level 3

Visual Studio Integrated Help Merge Module

Hi All,

I have created a Visual Studio Integrated Help Merge module using Innovasys Help Studio Lite and have packaged it as a merge module using a Visual Studio setup merge module project. I am trying to have the merge module installed with my InstallShield installer, but it does not seem to install.

I have added the merge module through the Redistributables section and have selected the required prerequisites as well (HTML Help Registration, VSIPCC Collection Files). The merge module itself is functioning correctly as it installs correctly when I use a Visual Studio setup MSI project to do the installation. Have I missed some setting in InstallShield that are preventing the merge module from being installed?

Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.
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(3) Replies
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

When you say you want the merge module to install with your installer, do you mean that you want the .msm file itself to be placed on the system?

If that is the case, then you need to place the .msm file into a component rather than use the Redistributables view. InstallShield will actually merge all of the information from the merge module into your built .msi package when you add the merge module using the Redistributables view.
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Level 3

Hi Sheryl,

What I mean is that Visual Studio generates a merge module for installing the help contents when you are deploing Visual Studio integrated help. I don't want to the MSM to be placed on the system, I want it to "execute" and perform the installation of the Visual Studio help. I'm still getting to know this whole merge module concept, but I know that I can get it to work when I create a Visual Studio setup project and have it "execute" the merge module, but I can't get it to work with InstallShield. I am obviously missing some key step, but I can't seem to figure out what it is.

Any guidance you can offer would be great. Otherwise, I'll have to just use the Visual Studio setup project that works.


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Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

I am not familiar with the process of deploying one of these help merge modules, but I did find a Microsoft walkthrough that details what needs to be done:
It seems like there are many customization steps that need to be done to get it to work. But as you say, it works OK using the Visual Studio setup.

As long as you have followed all of the steps outlined in the walkthrough and you have added all of the required merge modules in the redistributables view and associated them with a feature that is being installed, this should work.

My suggestion would be to verify that the built IS .msi package in fact has all of the entries expected. Then you can create an install log to see if some action is failing during the install process.

Maybe someone else on out here on the community has some experience installing these help modules and can give some advice.
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